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Bellignorant (Bel.lig.nor.rant) noun

Pronunciation: \bel-ig-n(ə-)rənt\

The word Bellignorant is a composite of root words Belligerent (meaning: inclined to or exhibiting assertiveness, hostility, or combativeness) and Ignorant (meaning: resulting from or showing lack of knowledge or intelligence).

Example of usage: The bellignorant grandma dared the cop to tase her. So the cop did, with a dose of bellignorance of his own for good measure.

Other forms:
bel•ig•no•rance adjective
bel•lig•nor•ant•ly adverb

Video Example of the term Bellignorant:  "Tase Me Grandma"

Unedited & Uncensored Dashcam Footage of Entire "Tase Me Grandma" Incident: 


Edited news report footage, plus bonus "post-game" commentary from the Sheriff & Tase Me Grandma:


Shirtless whiteboy takes a recess from home schooling his offspring to provide uncensored bellignorant commentary (on "Tase Me Grandma") while his student wanders about the room (rated NC-17, except for whiteboy's kids):

